Thursday, September 1, 2016

About Me: It's Good To Be Back (EDI 331 Introduction Post & EDT 370 About Me Post)

When I found out that blogging and engaging with the Math Twitter Blogosphere (MTBOS) was going to be a part of my ED 331 class this semester at Grand Valley State University, I became super excited! All my previous blog posts come from another course in my secondary mathematics teacher preparation courses. I thoroughly enjoyed blogging in that course and am excited to become more integrated within the MTBOS through this course.

This semester, I am teacher assisting in an 8th grade math classroom at Grandville Middle School, where I will have the opportunity to see a pre-algebra and Algebra 1 in action and then actually teach in it! I am so excited to see where this semester will go and what I will learn about teaching as well as who I am as a teacher. My cooperating teacher works with quite a few students with special needs and co-teaches with a special needs teacher a couple hours of the day, and I could not be more excited to gain experience in this area!

Grandville Middle School is a one-to-one Chromebook school, so I am also very excited that I get to integrate technology--where appropriate--into my lessons. In my secondary math education major courses, both specifically for teachers and not, I have had the opportunity to become familiar with some excellent math education technology resources for use in the classroom. To name a few, I have experience with Geogebra, Desmos, KaHoot, Socrative, and many resources from the MTBOS,and I would like to integrate these in future lesson plans. I even have a folder of resources that I have accumulated from the past couple years! Other past experiences include the use of a SMART board in both high school and college. For one of my classes, we were planning and implementing lessons for a one-to-one iPads school and used some of the features they had in these lessons. I'm cannot wait to lean on these past experiences in developing new lessons that integrate technology!

As for a little bit about me, I am coming off a summer where I was a middle school camp counselor for SpringHill this summer. This summer was so incredible and I had the best time hanging out with middle schoolers, so this makes me so excited for the semester ahead. Some interests of mine include hammocking, high-adventure activities, binge watching a good TV series on Netflix (currently The Office), watching all kinds of movies, going on spontaneous adventures in either a city or in nature, jamming out to music, cheering on my favorite sports teams but refraining from actually playing them, enjoying breakfast food at any time of the day, going to various ministry events and services, and serving others in numerous capacities (RA, tutor, Young Life college leader, etc.), among many others. The video below is an excerpt of me introducing myself as a Young Life college leader at our first club meeting. I really enjoy serving in roles where I have the opportunity to build relationships with others and serve them in some capacity, which is probably one of the many reasons I enjoy teaching!

The year ahead offers so many opportunities for me to learn, and I cannot wait to take advantage of those opportunities. In fact, I'm feeling like as ready as Andy Bernard does below! Ok, so if you were to put the photo in action, I would be just as excited as Andy is about riding this elevator. Stay tuned to hear about what I am learning as I pursue to become the best teacher I can be!

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive blog Nick! I enjoyed reading your current and previous posts. Good luck this year teaching pre-algebra and algebra 1. I look forward to hearing about your time in Grandville.
